Designed for children who are 3 years old by September 1st of the enrolling year. Children must be toilet trained.

The goal of our First Year Preschool program is to help young children grow and mature in a God centered environment with developmentally appropriate activities and instruction.  As we work with each child to help develop their social skills, we also introduce them to Art (emphasis on the process, not the product), Bible(emphasis on God’s word and how it applies to their life), Language (emphasis on beginning letter phonetics and rote recognition along with the written word), Math (emphasis on number awareness from 1-10, placement, measurement, and sequencing), Music (emphasis on sound and movement), Cooperative Play, and Safety.  Our monthly themes make learning fun!

As your child begins to take their first steps in their educational journey, the Stepping Stones environment and teachers provides a positive start!

Tuition is based on a 10 month schedule.

Welcome to the 2024-25 School Year

Below are the details for this year’s programing. Please call prior to beginning the registration process, to verify there is space in the class you are requesting. Visit our Registration page to begin the registration process.

Call for availability
Main CampusMon/Wed/Fri8:45-11:45 am3 hours$380/month ($3800/year)
Main CampusTues/Thur8:45-11:45 am3 hours$330/month ($3300/year)
Lighthouse CampusTues/Thur8:45–11:45 am3 hours$330/month ($3300/year)
Lighthouse CampusTue/Thur8:30 am–12:00 pm3.5 hours$345.00/month ($3450/year)
Lighthouse CampusMon/Wed/Fri8:30 am–12:00 pm3.5 hours$390/month ($3900/year)

1st & 3rd Friday Class

Does your preschooler love school? On the 1st and 3rd Fridays of each month, we offer an add-on class for at our Lighthouse Campus for all age levels.

Light House Campus: 8:30 am–12:30 pm

$90 per month ($900 per year)

The 2025-26 School Year will be here before we know it.

Below is the details for next year’s programing. Visit our Registration page to begin the registration process.

Call for availability
Main CampusMon/Wed/Fri8:45 am–12:15 pm3.5 hours$450/month ($4500/year)
Main CampusTues/Thur8:45 am–12:15 pm3.5 hours$360/month ($3600/year)
Lighthouse CampusTues/Thur8:30am–12:00 pm3.5 hours$360/month ($3600/year)
Lighthouse CampusTues/Thur8:45 am–12:15 pm3.5 hours$360/month ($3600/year)
Lighthouse CampusMon/Wed/Fri8:30 am–12:00 pm3.5 hours$450/month ($4500/year)

1st & 3rd Friday Class

Does your preschooler love school? On the 1st and 3rd Fridays of each month, we offer an add-on class for at our Lighthouse Campus for all age levels.

Light House Campus: 8:30 am–12:30 pm

$100 per month ($1000 per year)

Goals and Objectives of Preschool (3’s)

  1. Identifies and groups objects by characteristics
  • Differences between, hot/cold, hard/soft, wet/dry, full/empty
  • Matches colors
  • Groups items and pictures (cow with barn)
  • Identify opposites
  • Place object outside of line
  1. Awareness of time concepts and sequence
  • Names of many animals
  • Identifies ways in which different animals move or sounds they make
  • Identifies rain, clouds, and sun
  1. Demonstrates creativity
  • Pretends one item is another (block is a car)
  • Multiple uses for classroom objects
  • Asks “what if” and seeks answers
  • Begins to draw a person
  1. Demonstrates memory
  • Recalls 3 objects that are present visually
  • Identifies when something is missing or different
  1. 75-80 percent of words are understandable
  2. Verbalizes wants
  3. Talks frequently, uses short sentences 4-6 words, asks questions and listens
  4. Answers simple question with a complete thought
  5. Repeats words/sounds and Recognizes everyday sounds
  6. Repeat simple rhymes
  7. Ask questions who, what, where, and why
  8. Can tell a story
  9. Can sing a simple song, can carry a simple tune
  10. Understands concepts “now,” “soon” and “later”
  11. Enjoy books and story time
  12. Retells part of a familiar story
  13. Describes what is happening in a picture
  14. Uses illustrations to guess what comes next
  15. Pretends to read a book
  1. Learning to Say:
  • Please and Thank You,
  • You’re Welcome, Excuse me
  • Yes/No
  • Asking to be excused
  1. Not interrupting when others are talking
  2. Waiting their turn to talk, patiently
  3. Obeying the first time
  1. Demonstrates understanding of numbers
  • Counts 10 items/objects
  • Can rote count to 10 by memory
  • Recognizes numbers 1-10
  • Can write numbers 1-10
  1. Recognize and identify some shapes
  • Circle, square, rectangle, and cross
  1. Identify size differences (big, small)
  2. Names 6 colors
  3. Identifies and groups objects by characteristics
  • Big and little
  • Size
  • Identifies what doesn’t belong
  • Copies a simple pattern
  • Creates a pattern
  • Copies a simple block design
  1. Categorize objects (shape & color)
  2. One-to-one correspondence
  3. Understands objects have weight
  1. Run around an obstacle
  2. Walk on a line forward and backward
  3. Balance on one foot for a few seconds
  4. Begin hopping on one foot
  5. Use slide independently
  6. Jump 3 times with both feet
  7. Jump over six inch high object & lands on both feet together
  8. Kicks a large ball
  9. Rolls a ball to a target from 4-6 ft
  10. Throws ball overhead with some accuracy
  11. Walk up and down stairs, alternating feet
  12. Climbs well
  1. Can use crayons/markers
  2. Uses age appropriate pencil grasp effectively
  3. Can glue
  4. Copies a circle and square
  5. Tries to write name
  6. Draw with the arm and not small hand movements
  7. Draw a face
  8. Makes vertical, horizontal and circular stokes with pencil or crayon
  9. Attempts at drawing people, soon to progress with several body parts
  10. Beginning to manipulate scissors
  11. Adept at small manipulations
  12. Builds tower of 5-7 small blocks
  13. Put together a simple puzzle 4-12 pieces
  14. Drives nails or pegs
  1. Pretend to play with imaginary objects
  2. Likes to play “dress up”
  3. Helps clean up toys when asked
  4. Change the rules of a game as he/she goes along
  5. Try to bargain (I’ll give you this if you’ll give me)
  6. Turns book pages one at a time
  7. Screws and unscrews jar lids, nuts and bolts
  8. Turns rotating handles
  9. Plays make believe with dolls, animals, and people
  10. Manipulates clay material (rolls balls, snakes, cookies)
  1. Separate from family member with undue stress
  2. Show affection or concern for others
  3. Interact well with peers
  4. Interact and deal with people and things joyfully and confidently
  5. Follow classroom rules
  6. Understand consequences of not following class rules
  7. Express wide range of emotions & identify & begin to understand and deal with them
  8. See things in terms of “we, and not just “me”
  9. Indicate awareness of people and having different feelings in situations
  10. Work and play independently
  11. Work or play with another child
  12. Work or play in a group
  13. Begin to build friendships and Be a good friend
  14. Share toys or takes turns
  15. Follows simple rules of a game, run by an adult
  16. Waiting his/her turn
  17. Accept a compromise suggested by another
  18. Learning to suggest compromises to solve a problem
  1. Understands print concept
  • Understands that all words can be written
  • Recognizes and identifies most upper case letters and some lower case letters
  • Beginning to make letter-phonetic sound connections
  • Copies letters
  • Attempts to write letters independently
  • Copies name
  • Attempts to writes their name independently
  1. Rhyming, recognizes rhyming words
  2. Identify likeness/difference
  3. Recognizes opposite words (hot/cold)
  4. Understands positional orientation words (top/bottom)
  1. Put on and take off own coat
  2. Can dress self with limited assistance
  3. Work on putting on shoes
  4. Manipulate buttons but with some assistance
  5. Feeds self (with little or no spilling)
  6. Drink from a cup (with little or no spilling)
  7. Pour from a pitcher
  8. Help to clean up messes
  9. Help put things away
  10. Follow daily routine with minimal assistance
  11. Easily follow 2 step directions
  12. Sit in a group for 5-10 minutes
  13. Use toilet with no assistance
  14. Distinguish between edible and inedible objects
  1. Demonstrate knowledge of self
  2. Identifies self by first and last name
  3. States Age
  4. Feels good about self
  5. Name familiar people and places
  6. Value his/her belongings and names them
  7. Identify and names feelings
  8. Name 6 body parts
  9. Identify ways people are alike and different
  10. Learn more about the world around them
  11. Develop senses of touch, smell, taste, and hearing
  12. Demonstrate control of aggressive behavior
  1. Understanding of GOD
  • He loves them unconditionally
  • He cares for them
  • GOD wrote the Bible to teach us
  • GOD never changes
  • GOD is perfect and all knowing
  • GOD sent his son, Jesus, for them, as their Savior
  1. We can show GOD our LOVE by
  • Worshipping Him by
  • Praying to Him
  • Singing to Him
  • Obeying Him
  • Being Kind to Others
  • Being Gentle with our Friends
  • Following His ways

What Parents Say