2nd year Pre-K is for children that will be 4 by March 31st of the enrolling year.
At Stepping Stones we see great value in having the 4 1/2 – 5 year olds in their own program. This helps us target specific learning needs for almost 5 year olds. While the goals and objectives of each Pre-K classroom is the same, the social dynamics are geared for the differing needs of these Pre-K age groups.
Our goal is for our children to grow and mature in a God centered environment with developmentally appropriate activities and instruction. We work with each child to help develop a love for learning, with an emphasis geared toward Kindergarten Readiness.
As your child continues their educational journey we strive to make each step a positive one.
All students must be toilet trained. Tuition based on a 10 month payment schedule.
Welcome to the 2024-25 School Year!
Below is the details for this year’s programing. We have a few spots available. Please call prior to beginning registration process to verify if space is available. Visit our registration page to begin the registration process.
Call for availability | ||||
Main Campus | Mon/Tues/Wed/Thur | 12:25 pm-3:25 pm | 3 hours | $465/month or $4650/year |
Lighthouse Campus | Mon/Tues/Wed/Thur | 8:15 am-12:15 pm | 4 hours | $560/month or $5600/year |
Lighthouse Campus | Mon/Tues/Wed/Thur | 8:45 am–12:45 pm | 4 hours | $560/month or $5600/year |
1st & 3rd Friday Class
Does your preschooler love school? On the 1st and 3rd Fridays of each month, we offer an add-on class for at our Lighthouse Campus for all age levels.
Light House Campus: 8:30 am–12:30 pm
$90 per month ($900 per year)
2025-26 School Year will be here before we know it!
Below is the details for next year’s programing. Visit our registration page to begin the registration process.
Call for availability | ||||
Main Campus | Mon/Tues/Wed/Thur | 12:25 pm-3:25 pm | 3 hours | $480/month or $4800/year |
Lighthouse Campus | Mon/Tues/Wed/Thur | 8:15 am-12:15 pm | 4 hours | $580/month or $5800/year |
Lighthouse Campus | Mon/Tues/Wed/Thur | 8:45 am–12:45 pm | 4 hours | $580/month or $5800/year |
1st & 3rd Friday Class
Does your preschooler love school? On the 1st and 3rd Fridays of each month, we offer an add-on class for at our Lighthouse Campus for all age levels.
Light House Campus: 8:30 am–12:30 pm
$100 per month ($1000 per year)
Goals and Objectives of 2nd Year Pre-K (5’s)
- Identifies and groups objects by characteristics
- Big and little
- Groups by particular characteristics
- Subgroups items by additional characteristics
- Identifies what doesn’t belong
- Copies a simple pattern – Creates a simple pattern
- Creates a pattern
- Copies a simple block design & a complex block design
- Uses comparative words (big, bigger, biggest)
- Differences between hot/cold, hard/soft, wet/dry, full/empty
- Matches colors
- Groups items and pictures (cow with barn) (from large to small)
- Identify opposites
- Identifies common sounds
- Identify 8 colors
- Put together a simple puzzle 12-24 pieces
- Awareness of time concepts and sequence
- Understand concept of daily routines
- Waits turn
- Puts 3 pictured events in sequential order
- Understand present and future tenses of words
- Uses past and future tenses of words correctly
- Demonstrates world around us
- Understands that animals need food, water and air to survive
- Identifies seeds grow into plants and parts of plant
- Identifies sun, moon, stars
- Describes weather
- Understands air all around us
- Demonstrates creativity
- Pretends one item is another (block is a car)
- Multiple uses for classroom objects
- Asks “what if” and seeks answers
- Draws a person in detail
- Demonstrates memory
- Recalls 3 objects that are present visually
- Identifies when something is missing from a picture
- 75-80 percent of words are understandable
- Communicates verbally
- Speaks so others can understand
- Answers questions with a complete thought
- Answers questions with detail
- Uses complex sentences to express thoughts and feelings
- Repeats parts of songs, rhymes, stories and finger plays
- Uses pronouns correctly
- Uses plurals correctly
- Names common objects in pictures, clothing, furniture
- Describes what is happening in a picture
- Uses positional words (over, under, etc.)
- Asks complex questions
- Learning to Say:
- Please and Thank You,
- You’re Welcome, Excuse me
- Yes/No
- Asking to be excused
- Not interrupting when others are talking
- Waiting their turn to talk, patiently
- Obeying the first time
- Respectful of adults and teachers
- Demonstrates understanding of numbers
- Counts 20 items/objects
- Can rote count to 20 by memory
- Recognizes number 1-20
- Can write numbers 1-20
- Recognize and identify shapes: circle, square, triangle, diamond, cross, & rectangle
- Identify size differences (big, small)
- Sequence different sizes (small, smaller, and smallest)
- Categorize objects (shape, color, size, texture)
- One-to-one correspondence
- Identifies AB pattern
- Demonstrates one-to-one correspondence
- Uses one-to-one correspondence to compare sets
- Measures objects
- Understands objects have weight, length, etc.
- Runs around obstacles
- Walk on a line forward & backward-8 ft.
- Walks on tiptoe
- Stands on one foot 10 seconds
- Hops on one foot five plus times
- Jump 3 times with both feet
- Balance on one foot for 5 seconds
- Throws beanbag to a target
- Catches, bounces, rolls, kick, and throws a ball easily
- Climbs well
- Claps to rhythm of music
- Can use crayons/markers using fingers
- Uses age appropriate pencil grasp effectively
- Can glue
- Paints with a brush
- Draws horizontal, vertical and diagonal lines
- Copies circle, triangle, squares
- Forms shapes with clay
- Strings 5 small beads
- Puts pegs in board
- Builds tower of 10 small blocks
- Applies glue and pastes collage pieces
- Screws and unscrews nuts and bolts
- Uses scissors to cut along a straight line
- Uses scissors to cut simple shapes out of paper
- Shows pleasures in dealing with people and things
- Show affection or concern for others
- Separates from family member without undue stress
- Interact well with peers
- Follow classroom rules, without prompting
- Understand consequences of not following class rules
- Work and play independently
- Work or play with another child
- Work or play in a group
- Express wide range of emotions, identify, & begin to understand and deal with them
- Indicates awareness of people and having different feelings in situations
- Recognizes the needs or desires of another
- Accepts a compromise suggested by another
- Suggests a compromise to solve a problem
- Maintains a friendship with another child and can be a good friend
- Share toys or takes turns
- Follows simple rules in a game
- Able to wait his/her turn
- Accept a compromise suggested by another
- Learning to suggest compromises to solve a problem
- Understands print concept
- Understands that all words can be written
- Recognizes and identifies letters upper and lower case letters
- Make letter-phonetic sound connections
- Copies letters
- Writes letters independently
- Copies name
- Writes their name independently
- Demonstrates enjoyment of stories and books
- Participates in story time
- Asks teacher to read a book
- Talks about a story or a book
- Looks independently at books
- Acts out a story
- Retells a story, including details
- Uses illustrations to guess what comes next
- Predicts what will happen next in a story
- Demonstrates knowledge of how to use a book
- Holds book properly
- Turns one page at a time
- Pretends to read a book
- Read simple words
- Seeks information from books
- Rhyming, recognizes rhyming words
- Can say the alphabet (rote memory)
- Identify likeness/difference
- Beginning reading skills two-three letter words
- Recognizes opposite words (hot/cold)
- Understands positional orientation words (top/bottom)
- Recognizes beginning word sound
- Put on and take off own coat
- Can Dress self
- Puts on shoes
- Pour from a pitcher
- Helps to clean up messes
- Helps put things away
- Follows daily routine without prompting
- Easily follows 2-3 step directions
- Sit in a group for 15 minutes
- Completes tasks
- Demonstrate knowledge of self
- Identifies self by first and last name
- States Age, beginning to share birthdate
- Identifies self by gender
- Feels good about self
- Names familiar people and places
- Value his/her belongings and names them
- Identify and names feelings
- Name 6 body parts
- Identify ways people are alike and different
- Shows Curiosity and interest in surroundings
- Desire to learn more about the world around them
- Discriminates between different textures, smells, tastes and sounds
- Demonstrate control of aggressive behavior
- Understanding of GOD
- He loves them unconditionally
- He cares for them
- GOD wrote the Bible to teach us
- GOD never changes
- GOD is perfect and all knowing
- GOD sent his son, Jesus, for them, as their Savior
- We can show GOD our LOVE by
- Worshipping Him by
- Praying to Him
- Singing to Him
- Obeying Him
- Being Kind to Others
- Being Gentle with our Friends
- Following His ways
- Learn and recite weekly Bible Verses