2nd year Pre-K is for children that will be 4 by March 31st of the enrolling year.

At Stepping Stones we see great value in having the 4 1/2 – 5 year olds in their own program. This helps us target specific learning needs for almost 5 year olds. While the goals and objectives of each Pre-K classroom is the same, the social dynamics are geared for the differing needs of these Pre-K age groups.

Our goal is for our children to grow and mature in a God centered environment with developmentally appropriate activities and instruction. We work with each child to help develop a love for learning, with an emphasis geared toward Kindergarten Readiness.

As your child continues their educational journey we strive to make each step a positive one.

All students must be toilet trained.  Tuition based on a 10 month payment schedule.

Welcome to the 2024-25 School Year!

Below is the details for this year’s programing. We have a few spots available. Please call prior to beginning registration process to verify if space is available. Visit our registration page to begin the registration process.

Call for availability
Main CampusMon/Tues/Wed/Thur12:25 pm-3:25 pm3 hours$465/month or $4650/year
Lighthouse CampusMon/Tues/Wed/Thur8:15 am-12:15 pm4 hours$560/month or $5600/year
Lighthouse CampusMon/Tues/Wed/Thur8:45 am–12:45 pm4 hours$560/month or $5600/year

1st & 3rd Friday Class

Does your preschooler love school? On the 1st and 3rd Fridays of each month, we offer an add-on class for at our Lighthouse Campus for all age levels.

Light House Campus: 8:30 am–12:30 pm

$90 per month ($900 per year)

2025-26 School Year will be here before we know it!

Below is the details for next year’s programing. Visit our registration page to begin the registration process.

Call for availability
Main CampusMon/Tues/Wed/Thur12:25 pm-3:25 pm3 hours$480/month or $4800/year
Lighthouse CampusMon/Tues/Wed/Thur8:15 am-12:15 pm4 hours$580/month or $5800/year
Lighthouse CampusMon/Tues/Wed/Thur8:45 am–12:45 pm4 hours$580/month or $5800/year

1st & 3rd Friday Class

Does your preschooler love school? On the 1st and 3rd Fridays of each month, we offer an add-on class for at our Lighthouse Campus for all age levels.

Light House Campus: 8:30 am–12:30 pm

$100 per month ($1000 per year)

Goals and Objectives of 2nd Year Pre-K (5’s)

  1. Identifies and groups objects by characteristics
  • Big and little
  • Groups by particular characteristics
  • Subgroups items by additional characteristics
  • Identifies what doesn’t belong
  • Copies a simple pattern – Creates a simple pattern
  • Creates a pattern
  • Copies a simple block design & a complex block design
  • Uses comparative words (big, bigger, biggest)
  • Differences between hot/cold, hard/soft, wet/dry, full/empty
  • Matches colors
  • Groups items and pictures (cow with barn) (from large to small)
  • Identify opposites
  • Identifies common sounds
  1. Identify 8 colors
  2. Put together a simple puzzle 12-24 pieces
  3. Awareness of time concepts and sequence
  • Understand concept of daily routines
  • Waits turn
  • Puts 3 pictured events in sequential order
  • Understand present and future tenses of words
  • Uses past and future tenses of words correctly
  1. Demonstrates world around us
  • Understands that animals need food, water and air to survive
  • Identifies seeds grow into plants and parts of plant
  • Identifies sun, moon, stars
  • Describes weather
  • Understands air all around us
  1. Demonstrates creativity
  • Pretends one item is another (block is a car)
  • Multiple uses for classroom objects
  • Asks “what if” and seeks answers
  • Draws a person in detail
  1. Demonstrates memory
  • Recalls 3 objects that are present visually
  • Identifies when something is missing from a picture
  1. 75-80 percent of words are understandable
  2. Communicates verbally
  3. Speaks so others can understand
  4. Answers questions with a complete thought
  5. Answers questions with detail
  6. Uses complex sentences to express thoughts and feelings
  7. Repeats parts of songs, rhymes, stories and finger plays
  8. Uses pronouns correctly
  9. Uses plurals correctly
  10. Names common objects in pictures, clothing, furniture
  11. Describes what is happening in a picture
  12. Uses positional words (over, under, etc.)
  13. Asks complex questions
  1. Learning to Say:
  • Please and Thank You,
  • You’re Welcome, Excuse me
  • Yes/No
  • Asking to be excused
  1. Not interrupting when others are talking
  2. Waiting their turn to talk, patiently
  3. Obeying the first time
  4. Respectful of adults and teachers
  1. Demonstrates understanding of numbers
  • Counts 20 items/objects
  • Can rote count to 20 by memory
  • Recognizes number 1-20
  • Can write numbers 1-20
  1. Recognize and identify shapes: circle, square, triangle, diamond, cross, & rectangle
  2. Identify size differences (big, small)
  3. Sequence different sizes (small, smaller, and smallest)
  4. Categorize objects (shape, color, size, texture)
  5. One-to-one correspondence
  6. Identifies AB pattern
    • Demonstrates one-to-one correspondence
    • Uses one-to-one correspondence to compare sets
  1. Measures objects
  • Understands objects have weight, length, etc.
  • Runs around obstacles
  • Walk on a line forward & backward-8 ft.
  • Walks on tiptoe
  • Stands on one foot 10 seconds
  • Hops on one foot five plus times
  • Jump 3 times with both feet
  • Balance on one foot for 5 seconds
  • Throws beanbag to a target
  • Catches, bounces, rolls, kick, and throws a ball easily
  • Climbs well
  • Claps to rhythm of music
  • Can use crayons/markers using fingers
  • Uses age appropriate pencil grasp effectively
  • Can glue
  • Paints with a brush
  • Draws horizontal, vertical and diagonal lines
  • Copies circle, triangle, squares
  • Forms shapes with clay
  • Strings 5 small beads
  • Puts pegs in board
  • Builds tower of 10 small blocks
  • Applies glue and pastes collage pieces
  • Screws and unscrews nuts and bolts
  • Uses scissors to cut along a straight line
  • Uses scissors to cut simple shapes out of paper
  1. Shows pleasures in dealing with people and things
  2. Show affection or concern for others
  3. Separates from family member without undue stress
  4. Interact well with peers
  5. Follow classroom rules, without prompting
  6. Understand consequences of not following class rules
  7. Work and play independently
  8. Work or play with another child
  9. Work or play in a group
  10. Express wide range of emotions, identify, & begin to understand and deal with them
  11. Indicates awareness of people and having different feelings in situations
  12. Recognizes the needs or desires of another
  13. Accepts a compromise suggested by another
  14. Suggests a compromise to solve a problem
  15. Maintains a friendship with another child and can be a good friend
  16. Share toys or takes turns
  17. Follows simple rules in a game
  18. Able to wait his/her turn
  19. Accept a compromise suggested by another
  20. Learning to suggest compromises to solve a problem
  1. Understands print concept
  • Understands that all words can be written
  • Recognizes and identifies letters upper and lower case letters
  • Make letter-phonetic sound connections
  • Copies letters
  • Writes letters independently
  • Copies name
  • Writes their name independently
  1. Demonstrates enjoyment of stories and books
  • Participates in story time
  • Asks teacher to read a book
  • Talks about a story or a book
  • Looks independently at books
  1. Acts out a story
  2. Retells a story, including details
  3. Uses illustrations to guess what comes next
  4. Predicts what will happen next in a story
  5. Demonstrates knowledge of how to use a book
  • Holds book properly
  • Turns one page at a time
  • Pretends to read a book
  • Read simple words
  • Seeks information from books
  1. Rhyming, recognizes rhyming words
  2. Can say the alphabet (rote memory)
  3. Identify likeness/difference
  4. Beginning reading skills two-three letter words
  5. Recognizes opposite words (hot/cold)
  6. Understands positional orientation words (top/bottom)
  7. Recognizes beginning word sound
  1. Put on and take off own coat
  2. Can Dress self
  3. Puts on shoes
  4. Pour from a pitcher
  5. Helps to clean up messes
  6. Helps put things away
  7. Follows daily routine without prompting
  8. Easily follows 2-3 step directions
  9. Sit in a group for 15 minutes
  10. Completes tasks
  1. Demonstrate knowledge of self
  2. Identifies self by first and last name
  3. States Age, beginning to share birthdate
  4. Identifies self by gender
  5. Feels good about self
  6. Names familiar people and places
  7. Value his/her belongings and names them
  8. Identify and names feelings
  9. Name 6 body parts
  10. Identify ways people are alike and different
  11. Shows Curiosity and interest in surroundings
  12. Desire to learn more about the world around them
  13. Discriminates between different textures, smells, tastes and sounds
  14. Demonstrate control of aggressive behavior
  1. Understanding of GOD
    • He loves them unconditionally
    • He cares for them
    • GOD wrote the Bible to teach us
    • GOD never changes
    • GOD is perfect and all knowing
    • GOD sent his son, Jesus, for them, as their Savior
  2. We can show GOD our LOVE by
    • Worshipping Him by
    • Praying to Him
    • Singing to Him
    • Obeying Him
    • Being Kind to Others
    • Being Gentle with our Friends
    • Following His ways
  3. Learn and recite weekly Bible Verses

What Parents Say